How do I upgrade to CRAZY CatLadyBox? How do I downgrade to CatLadyBox?

Want to upgrade to a Crazy CatLadybox? Or, do you need to quit the crazy and lay off the catnip for a while?


If you are on a 3-month or 6-month plan and want to upgrade in the middle of that, please email us at and we will help you do it on our side! If you make the change in your account and still have some boxes left from your previous renewal, it will upgrade on the next renewal.  


If you chose a month-to-month plan, follow the steps below. 

1. Firstlog in to your account here (or at

 2. At the bottom of the Your Subscription(s) panel, click EDIT.


3. On the next page, you'll have the option to Choose a New Product. Make your choice by clicking the corresponding box (here, Crazy CatLadyBox).



4. IMPURRTANT: Save your changes! Be sure to scroll all the way down and click CHANGE at the bottom right.




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